Special Announcement!

We interrupt our normal blogging for this important, special announcement:

For those of you who don’t know, Greg is an international, B-movie, science fiction horror film star! (On the SyFy channel, no less!) and who is, as Tiffany recently observed, a mere 3 degrees from Kevin Bacon!

Greg was even in an aquatic Sci-Fi movie.  He got a boat.  The Sharktopus ate it.

…and tomorrow ladies and gentlemen, yes tomorrow, YOU too can now own a masterpiece of the revival of the cult B-movie genre!

A fun way to commemorate this is to watch the movie with a bottle of tequila (‘cuz it was filmed in Mexico).  Every time someone gets chomped, you take a shot.  This will possibly kill you financially (assuming you drink decent tequila) and will without a doubt kill you via alcohol poising.  A more survivable way to commemorate this WITHOUT having your liver explode on the spot is to take a shot every time Greg is in a scene.  Yes, more people die than Greg has scenes…it’s a horror flick.  Eric Roberts has fewer scenes than there are deaths in the movie.

…or replace the tequila with Pacifico….whichever (Corona should only be substituted as a desperate last resort).  The kiddos can have virgin margaritas.


“Psst, who is Eric Roberts?”

“Julia Robert’s brother.  He’s in a bunch of stuff.  You’ve seen him in something.  He was the star power for the movie.  Well, him and Jack Black’s sidekick from ‘Nacho Libre’ ”

“Oh OK, continue”


Either way, March 15th is your big chance to see Greg vs. the Sharktopus!  Here’s a spoiler for you:

Greg dies

(which, by the way, is actually pretty hard to do.  I had to hold my breath a long time and the teeth on that Sharktopus’ head hurt!)

ps – Order it now on Amazon!!! – Sharktopus