Travel and pets

Greg shares his rib dinner with The Bucca

I’m seriously bummed about needing to leave our cat behind. I love her to bits, she’s a great cat, and I know she is going to be very stressed and unhappy about the entire situation. I think we have finally figured out what we need to do to get her sent off, now it is just a matter of picking a date and making the arrangements 🙁

There will be a few benefits to living pet free for a while though: no worries about having friends checking in on her, no midnight toe attacking sessions, and no involuntary dinner sharing!

It begins!

So, we’ve started telling people that we’re taking off to go travel, and everyone wants to know if we’re starting a blog. Well, here it is: the start of a blog…

We’re still in the process of deciding where to go, how we’re going to get there, and how much stuff we need to get rid of in the process. As of right now: to Australia via the Baja Ha-Ha on S/V Sagittaire, hopefully also via the Pacific Puddle Jump, and we’re working on beginning the purge of our apartment. How much we need to get rid of will depend on where we can find storage… Oh, and we need to ship the cat off to my mom in FL. So much to do, so little time!