The Cancun of Australia

Kuta, Bali, Indonesia

Sailing out of Australia would have been a great idea except for two things:

1) We had arranged to meet Tiffany’s sister in Bali on a specific date.

2) Our work holiday visa in Australia was expiring fast.

As we’ve said before, a key element to being good crew is being able to be flexible.  Since we had to be somewhere at a specific time…oh and that our visas were set to expire in about 12 hours, flexibility was not something we had in abundance.

So a quick flight later and we found ourselves in what we’ve heard called the

 “Cancun of Australia”

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Kuta was special to us for more than one reason.  Not only did Greg get a masseuse to actually walk on his back

 119_2443Come on, that’s cool!

But our two weeks waiting for Tami would be one of our last opportunities to “simply be” in a place – to have no agenda, no schedule and no checklist.  We knew the opportunity for that style in our travels was coming to an end.  Though we had planned a good amount of time in each place we intended to go, both of us also knew that because of the specific natures of our visas in certain countries and our own desires to be in Europe at a given time, a schedule was necessary.

We would have to keep moving on.

Also, we had just spent the last few months in the middle of nowhere working every chance we had to make sure this “whole new leg” of our adventure would be sufficiently funded.

So between having worked fairly steadily for the past few months, being kicked out of Australia early and having to wait for Tami to arrive, we had some down time.

We came to the island of Bali with no expectations or agendas…we just wanted to take a deep breath, relax and enjoy ourselves.

As it turns out, Kuta was great for that.

The last time we had the opportunity to just sit and “be” was on a farm in New Zealand.

About the authors

Greg and Tiffany are traveling around the world on sailing yachts and keep a video blog of their (mis)adventures.  If sailing to Tahiti on a 44 ft sailboat, 3-day delays for wine tastings, getting pooped on by seagulls, opening coconuts with dull machetes, sailing past tornadoes and ukulele Christmas carols are for you, then check them out!