How are you spending your Easter Holiday?


That question took us a bit by surprise because, well, we hadn’t really put a lot of thought into it…

And we would be dramatically understating things to say that shocked our Australian friends.

Travel is an interesting thing and one of the most interesting things, in fact the very reason Greg states for wanting to travel in the first place, is to discover and challenge one’s own unknown assumptions.

20111020A - leaving the dive ship (15)

What do we assume is “normal” without even realizing that we’ve made an assumption in the first place because everyone around us makes the same one?

For example, in an urban culture (like the one we were raised in) 10PM is an early bedtime for a young professional.  Whereas in an agrarian culture…

(or a sailing one – “sailors midnight” is 9PM)

…10PM is an extremely late bedtime when you are accustomed to waking up at 6AM and 8AM is “sleeping in.”

(and no, we never got used to that… 😉 )

But what does this have to do with Easter?

Well, let us ask you this:

How important is Easter, as a holiday?   Continue reading “How are you spending your Easter Holiday?”

Australia Grog Files


Well since we’re going over adventures in outback bar tending, it’s probably about time we started updating the grog files to keep us with us.

We’ll be doing a new grog files for each state we visited in Australia but this week is all about our overall experience, which can be summed up this way:

Australia has a great libations industry –

It’s just not where you’d expect to find it.

Australian Mojito

What this pretty much means is that as long as you avoid the beer, Australia has a lot to offer.

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It’s pronounced ‘Cans’

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Because when you pronounce the “R” in “Cairns” the locals genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about.

Seriously people, it’s a word.  In our common language.  You can look it up.

Who uses a silent “R”!?!?!

Cairns fishThey have this giant outside pool right next to the ocean that anyone can use and the fish sculptures are a symbol of the city.

Oh, and just in case you’re asking. “Guys? Why do they have a giant public pool right next to the ocean?  Can’t people just swim in the ocean?”

Why yes, yes they could.  Right up to the moment where the giant crocodiles that are all over the place ate them.

Which would of course lead you to then ask “Guys, didn’t you just go diving in that water?”

Continue reading “It’s pronounced ‘Cans’”

Diving the Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia

Found Nemo

Life Achievement Unlocked-

Found Nemo!

We all knew the Nemo reference had to be made right?

We took a 3 day, 2 night “sleep on the reef” excursion.

And this time we rented an underwater camera to make sure we caught everything.

Especially the sea turtle…

Continue reading “Diving the Great Barrier Reef”

The Great Australian Overland Excursion

Enroute Cairns, Queensland, Australia

3 people

1 frigging huge campah

5 days

1786 miles

1 vast barren wasteland that inspired the Mad max movies

Some dinosaurs

(…because everything is better with dinosaurs…)
(…because everything is better with dinosaurs…)

And let’s not forget it’s us right?  So…a boat.  There needs to be a boat.

Grumpy boatAnd this is how all that turned out…

Continue reading “The Great Australian Overland Excursion”