Outback campervan relocation

Enroute Uluru, Northern Territory, Australia

Like we said, Uluru (AKA – Ayer’s Rock) is not IN Alice Springs.

It’s 287 miles away.

Alice to Uluru

Then there’s the whole bit of us then needing to immediately backtrack that whole route in order to make the 1786 mile drive from Uluru to Cairns.

Uluru to CairnsThrough, might we remind you, that whole “barren wasteland where nobody lives except freaking feral camels” part of the country.

(gonna say that twice – FERAL.  CAMELS.)

And us with a car that went and got itself all kablooied up all the way back in Adelaide.

So there we were, middle of the desert, no car, no transit system that links to Alice to Uluru to Cairns and on a short time table.

It’s moments like these that Greg loves being married to Tiffany.

20121006A - Madeira (99)Because Tiffany can find, like, ANYTHING on the internet.

No dude, seriously.




And not just cheap flights and stuff.  Remember, she found us our first job in Australia on the internet.

And she found us our second job in Australia on the internet.

That boat job in New Zealand?  Yep, internet.

And now?  Now she found us wheels.


In the form of our own super deluxe camper van (or as the Aussies say, “Campah”)!

Did we mention Tiffany managed to secure this bad boy, which usually rents for a minimum of at least $1,700 for this trip, for 6 days at the whopping price of SEVENTEEN dollars a day!?

(that’s a total of $100, or about 5% of the price.)

Oh and we get to drop it off at our destination site?

Oh and the company gave us an extra $260.00 to cover gas?


Yes people, that feeling of:


“OMGWTF how did she do that!?”

 Greg asks himself that question just about EVERY DAY.

(In this case, it was a camper van relocation service she found.  Basically you agree to move a camper van for them to a location they want it and you get super cheap rental fees and they cover the gas.  We used these guys:


And there are a lot of companies out there that set these up.  Just Google “campervan relocation”)

Fair warning though, there are some costs they don’t tell you about upfront –


And yeah whatever, we got a 95% discount and $260 of gas to blow!


The great Australian Overland Excursion continues!


Now with special guest star –

20111013D - the Devils Marbles (33)THE BEHEMOTH

About the authors

Greg and Tiffany are traveling around the world on sailing yachts and keep a video blog of their (mis)adventures.  If sailing to Tahiti on a 44 ft sailboat, 3-day delays for wine tastings, getting pooped on by seagulls, opening coconuts with dull machetes, sailing past tornadoes and ukulele Christmas carols are for you, then check them out at www.CoastGuardCouple.com!

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