Seasickness – Prevention is the only cure

This is the second in a 3 part series on how to prevent and overcome seasickness by Greg.  The first article can be found here.

The only cure for seasickness is an overwhelming amount of prevention.

1)      Sooner or later, just about everyone deals with seasickness

2)      You either take action to prevent it or suffer the consequences

I have managed to only get seasick a few times in my life (which was more than enough) and I have successfully sailed though 40 knots of wind and 18 foot seas with the rest of the crew down for the count.  Except for Tiffany of course, Tiffany was happy as a clam down in the galley cooking.  Unlike Tiffany, the secret to my success is not near-godlike fortitude – it’s planning ahead.


Yes, it takes planning to look this good.

Being proactive is crucial because once you get sick, there is little you can do except suffer though it, and working while sick sucks.  Strike that.  Horrible.  It’s horrible enough that over the past decade I’ve spent no small amount of my time testing every home remedy I could find over until I found the stuff that actually works.

Continue reading “Seasickness – Prevention is the only cure”