Start ya Bastard

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

There are rules and responsibilities that exist in every band of travelers.  These range widely, even sometimes directly conflict, from group to group and can be as simple as “we switch off cooking dinner / doing the dishes every night” to “we only go out as a group so we can watch each other’s back” or even the hotly contested “we pay a little extra for creature comforts like AC” vs. “We live as cheaply as possible.”

Let’s go ahead and just table the “How is air conditioning OPTIONAL in the tropics?!” conversation until later.

Additionally many of these rules are unspoken, which can lead to confusion and occasionally unintentionally hurt feelings when one person violates another’s “unwritten rules.”

Unfortunately we ran afoul of such a situation with one of our traveling companions.  A member of our group was, well, not in 100% agreement on what their responsibilities were to the rest of us and without any form of notice, started just slacking off from time to time and not pulling their weight…

(…or our weight either for that matter…)

There have been some…disagreements…of late.

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