Thursday…now available in Island format!

Thursday Island, Queensland, Australia

After the arduous process of “studying” for our Responsible Service of Alcohol test we passed our course and became certified Australian bartenders!

Greg Tending barAbout 48 hours later came our first outback pub job over at Thursday Island, Australia.

One hitch – where the heck is Thursday Island?

Now we know what you’re thinking –

Right between Wednesday and Friday Islands!

…and you’d be pretty much right about that

Thursday Island locationbut for those not familiar with the area, it’s right here

Well what about the rest of the days?  Saturday doesn’t get an island but Sunday got 2 so it kind of makes up for it.  ‘East Sunday Island’ is kind of Saturday, right?

Also, Monday only got a rock but that pretty much serves it right.

Though no one is really sure exactly where the names come from, the most commonly told story is that they were given by Captain Bligh (the guy who was the captain of the HMS BOUNTY before that whole unfortunate mutiny business…).  On his voyage back to civilization he passed several islands and named them according to the days of the week on which he discovered them.  Thus was born Thursday Island.

So we find ourselves at the northernmost town in Australia tending a pub

But it’s what we leaned we learned when we weren’t pouring beer that was really interesting…

This isn’t our first experience with pubs – the Mexi-British pubs of La Cruz will always bring back good memories.

About the authors

Greg and Tiffany are traveling around the world on sailing yachts and keep a video blog of their (mis)adventures.  If sailing to Tahiti on a 44 ft sailboat, 3-day delays for wine tastings, getting pooped on by seagulls, opening coconuts with dull machetes, sailing past tornadoes and ukulele Christmas carols are for you, then check them out at!


3 Replies to “Thursday…now available in Island format!”

  1. Hi, my name is Rochelle and I’m journalism student doing a story on underpaid backpackers, I’ve read some of your posts and I would love to interview you. My number is 0403102706 please call or email or send a number I can contact you on. Would love to chat! Thanks 🙂

    1. Rochelle,

      Sure! (underpaid is an interesting subjective statement depending on your perspective and country of origin 😉

      We sent you an email and haven’t heard back. We’ll send another.

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