That was anti-climatic

 Blue Mountains, NSW, AU

Sydney is…



After the Opera House we turned around…literally, we physically turned around…and got a photo with the harbor bridge.

So that’s Sydney…check.

Guess we could have gone to the beach but we’ve kinda already done that a fair bit.

The other thing that’s in Sydney is our friend Dan, who invited us to go hiking in one of his old tromping grounds: The Blue Mountains.

Disembodied audience voice: “Now wait a sec.  You said Dan? As in the guy you went hiking with before?”

Us: “Yeah, him”

Disembodied audience voice: “From New Zealand?  That guy?”

Us: Yep.

Disembodied audience voice: You signed up to do this again after what happened last time?

This is not an encouraging sign…

Us: Yeah, well we didn’t really think that part through…

Disembodied audience voice: So how’d that work out for you?

Us: The views were epic!

[fgallery id=10 w=750 h=450 t=0 title=”Blue Mountains, Sydney”]

Disembodied audience voice: Uh huh…right yeah not what we meant.  So, again, how’d that work out for you?

Us: Oh, about the same as last time.  At least this time there were stairs…

(Ps – the Blue Mountains are called that because the eucalyptus trees in the area release a large amount of eucalyptus oils into the air, which causes a blue haze to appear over the trees.  The area has also been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since of 2000.)


Our video editing computer suffered massive hard drive failure during the editing process of this final video.  Good news: we back up like fiends so no real data loss.  Bad news: until we can coax a little more life out of this thing you’ll just have to amuse yourself with videos of our previous hiking adventures in New Zealand.


About the authors

Greg and Tiffany are traveling around the world on sailing yachts and keep a video blog of their (mis)adventures.  If sailing to Tahiti on a 44 ft sailboat, 3-day delays for wine tastings, getting pooped on by seagulls, opening coconuts with dull machetes, sailing past tornadoes and ukulele Christmas carols are for you, then check them out at!

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